Karma is treating me well

11:19 AM
Calories: 863 kcal
Weightloss on Low Carb: -2kg in a week (aaaaamazing!)
Days until my vacation: 16

[Friday 25 April, 9 p.m.] Am going to open a bottle of Chardonnay and watch Friends.

This is from Bridget Jones, by the way. Man, I wish there were more books of this series, I really enjoyed reading about her life. But well, basically this is going to be my Friday except that I’ll be drinking diet coke.

A lot has happened the past few days. I managed to get a really good username and ended up selling it for $600 (520€)! Can you believe it? People actually spend that much real money on this stuff. I bought a ton of new clothes (I made some great deals!!!) and put some of the money aside for my vacation at the end of May.

After binging for a week straight I decided to go Low Carb as I still need to get rid of the last 4kg. I eat around 1800kcal a day now and I like that I don’t have to starve in order to lose weight. We’ll see how things progress. Should I do a review of this diet, too?
The hardest part is not being able to have any sweets, I have a huge sweet tooth. Damn…

I don’t know if I mentioned this before but I got the internship at the luxury hotel chain! I’ll be earning double the amount I’m earning now, starting in September. Finally good things are happening!! Being shit on by a bird actually did bring me luck ^^


real life bridget jones and part-time clown

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