My 2nd Lipedema Surgery Experience

I suffer from Stage 2, Type 4 Lipedema meaning my legs and arms are infected and it has already progressed due to hormonal changes and big weight fluctuation.

In my initial post about my first Lipedema surgery, I was a bit hasty with saying that it “cured my Binge Eating Disorder” and changed my life. Months passed and it became very apparent that my weight loss was a result of the lack of eating any solid foods after the surgery and not because the doctor removed a lot of the infected fat tissue. It turns out that the amount he removed (3 litres in total) was way too little and I would have to get at least two more surgeries to take care of this chronic illness.

For the second surgery I decided to go with a Lipedema specialized skin clinic that didn’t also offer any beauty related procedures. I think choosing a plastic surgeon was the biggest mistake I made and I would highly recommend anyone who’s thinking about getting surgery to do thorough research.

The surgery was performed under local anesthesia which really scared me to death. I am very, very sensitive, to the point where whenever I watch a movie in which people fight each other and get hurt, I have to look away. I can’t see blood or hurt body parts and I faint easily. So you can imagine how afraid I was going into the procedure. Nevertheless I went in, asked them to give me as many drugs as they can, and I managed to endure it.

The worst part were the days after the surgery. The Tumescent essence solution they put into your legs before starting the liposuction was leaking when I got home and it wouldn’t stop for the next 10 days. Thank god I had put painter’s fleece all over my flat to protect the floor and couch from the blood-like solution.

The pain was pretty bad as well. I was grateful to have bought some sort of surgical girdle which had a hygiene opening so that I didn’t have to take off the pants everytime I had to pee. Each day it gradually got better and I am now on my third week past the surgery and I can happily say that I am almost pain-free. Thank god.

Let’s see how the next surgery goes.

real life bridget jones and part-time clown

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