dating younger guys

Every now and then I get the urge to go back on dating apps because I feel like hooking up with someone and want to add some ✨ spice ✨ to my life. I regret it every time. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” or something like that, huh?

The other day I met up with a tall, very handsome, younger guy I matched with on Tinder. The date went well, he treated me with respect and – to my surprise – didn’t ask to split the bill. He seemed easy-going and made me laugh, which was more than any of the other guys I went out with in the past couple of weeks were able to do.

But… I felt old. Even though we were only two years apart, I couldn’t help but notice the age gap which made it hard for me to feel some kind of chemistry or attraction towards him. Back in the days, before I got my heart shattered into a million tiny pieces by my previous partners, I definitely would’ve slept with him. But now I feel like my standards changed and I don’t want to give away my body that easily anymore.

That made me wonder whether I’m ever going to have sex with anyone soon. Feels like I am back to being a virgin at this point.

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1 comments On dating younger guys

  • I date girls my age. I tried to date younger ones, but that never truly worked. We had different priorities. Besides, yes, one feels old haha.

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