We broke up

A little over three weeks ago my boyfriend and I broke up. He confessed that he manipulated, lied and emotionally cheated on me with someone else and refused to put in the effort to make this relationship work. So I left.


I lost one of my closest friends because of a guy

I thought about whether I should write this article or not because I know that there’s a possibility that my ex-friend will come across this blog one day and read it. But then again what do I care?

Let’s call her Chloe. Chloe hated it when I talked about guys so I never told her the full story of what happened between me and Henry. She was disgusted by the thought of someone like me actively using Tinder and going on dates – or worse – having sex with guys I met online. So I refrained from telling her any details as I knew I would only encounter harsh criticism and judgement. It always ended up in a massive fight, which is strange as I barely fight with any of my other friends. I guess you could call this a red flag, huh?


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